500 people have used pop-up safer injection site
City officials will hold a meeting today to discuss the pop-up supervised injection site in a Lowertown Park.
Councillor Mathieu Fleury says officials have held several meetings, adding he is “confident” a solution is imminent.
Overdose Prevention Ottawa opened a supervised injection site in a tent at Raphael Brunet Park on St. Patrick Street just over two weeks ago.
Organizer Marilou Gagnon tweeted Monday morning "TO opened an interim supervised injection site days after the overdose prevention site opened. It's day 18 in Ottawa and still nothing." Overdose Prevention Ottawa is calling on the city to open an interim supervised injection site in Ottawa.
Organizers say a record 66 people used the site on Sunday, and two overdoses were prevented. Since the pop-up supervised injection site opened, more than 500 people have used the site to inject drugs.
The Lowertown Community Association has launched an Overdose Prevention Survey to ask residents about injection sites in the community. The questions include whether respondents support the supervised drug consumption service in Raphael Brunet Park, and would they support a supervised injection site at the Shepherd’s of Good Hope.
The results of the survey will be released in the coming weeks.
By Josh Pringle
Source: CTV News