Un faux site d'injection supervisée à Ottawa pour sensibiliser la population
September 30, 2013
Des représentants communautaires invitent les résidents d'Ottawa à visiter, lundi matin, un centre d'injection de drogue supervisée factice. Ils souhaitent ainsi sensibiliser la population aux avantages d'offrir des services aux toxicomanes et d'améliorer la santé de ces derniers.
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Safe injection proponents show off mock site in Ottawa
September 30, 2013
The model version of a supervised drug injection site proposed for Ottawa's Lowertown neighbourhood was open to the public Monday.
Organizers wanted to use the opportunity to address community concerns and answer questions to win support.
More than 100 people crammed into a small building at 216 Murray St. Monday morning for a tour of the mock site.
Read more about Safe injection proponents show off mock site in Ottawa
A campaign was launched today for a safe consumption site for drug users in Ottawa.
Currently, Vancouver is the only city in Canada to have a safe consumption site. It provides a place where addicts can use illegal drugs under supervision from a nurse, with access to clean needles, and have information about addiction recovery programs.
The Campaign for Safer Consumption Sites in Ottawa says it wants to open a site in the Byward Market.
As North America's first supervised injection site, Insite provides life-saving health care services to a marginalized community in Vancouver. It's also a model for success for similar services in Ottawa, and across Canada.
Read more about What is Insite?
Group canvassing for safe injection site support
April 28, 2013
A local advocacy group is keeping up the fight for a safe injection site in Ottawa, despite the opposition of the mayor and police chief.
The Campaign for Safer Consumption Sites in Ottawa (CSCS) went door-to-door in the ByWard Market on Saturday, asking residents about drug use in the area and if they’d support opening a site where people addicted to drugs could safely inject.
Read more about Group canvassing for safe injection site support
Un groupe demande à nouveau la création d'un centre d'injection supervisé à Ottawa
April 27, 2013
Le débat au sujet d'un centre d'injection supervisée au centre-ville d'Ottawa refait surface. Un groupe de personnes a fait du porte-à-porte, samedi, pour sensibiliser la population du marché By à la nécessité d'un tel centre.
Le groupe, qui compte une douzaine de bénévoles, sollicite des appuis. Déjà, ils ont amassé près de 2000 signatures sur une pétition pour la création d'un endroit où les toxicomanes pourraient s'injecter de la drogue sous la supervision d'un employé. Ces bénévoles proviennent de différents milieux, dont le système de santé et les services sociaux. Le groupe compte également d'anciens toxicomanes.
Read more about Un groupe demande à nouveau la création d'un centre d'injection supervisé à Ottawa
Supervised drug consumption sites required in Ottawa, advocates say
April 16, 2013
Check out this must-watch report on the need for safer drug consumption sites in Ottawa, featuring Rick Sproule and Sean Leblanc of the Drug Users Advocacy League, Dr. Mark Tyndall, and Rob Boyd of Sandy Hill CHC. Keep an eye out for one of our CSCS stickers, too!
This video was created by Carleton University journalism students. Great work!
Read more about Supervised drug consumption sites required in Ottawa, advocates say
Insite - Not just injecting, but connecting
January 18, 2013
This video about Insite, created by the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union, is an amazing look at the program, the people, and the vital place it holds in the community. Supervised consumption sites are about so much more than using drugs - they're also about compassionate health care, forming respectful connections with people, and providing help when it's needed.
Read more about Insite - Not just injecting, but connecting